Monday, August 13, 2007

Rock of Remembrance

Someone I love was in crisis this weekend. The focus of this post is not the "who-what-when or why" of the crisis, but of the amazing provision and leading of the Lord to get those involved through it. So please forgive the vagueness of the description. My goal of this post is to magnify the Lord's goodness and faithfulness, through linking the provision witnessed, to the scritpural / spiritual principles that are presented in the Word. To protect privacy, I will not reveal the identities of those involved. We'll call the "victim" A, and the victim's partner B.

Daniel 2:22

It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.

1.) Person A shared a dream of several nights ago, in which the events of this day were described in typically cryptic dream language. That enabled prayer to go forth for protection and also allowed a greater sensitivity to promptings to pray since.

Isaiah 30:21

Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it" whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

2.) While this event was unfolding, a serious traffic situation - was avoided by the Lord leading them to take some action (specifically make a right-hand turn). Just before this, person B experienced more prompting to pray, the the prompting shifted from being future-oriented, to be immediate, prayer for NOW.

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

3.) The seriousnes of the event was minimized by more of the Lord's leading which enabled person B to stay calm and take some action that person A, helpless at that moment, required. There was the possibility that death could have resulted if this action was prevented. The staff on site had been told to hold A still until the EMT's arrived. These people were all helpful and concerned, and they had to follow their orders. The Lord provided direction and boldness to B.

Romans 8:26

In the same way the Spirit also help our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;...

4.) While they were in th ER, B's cell rang. Going outside to retrieve the message, the caller turned out to be a prayer warrior friend, who realized when the situation was explained, that the reason she was prompted to call was because of the need for prayer. B had been struggling to pray, feeling so completely overwhelmed that it felt like prayer becoming tangled in the static, and as a result, feelings of vulnerability were setting in. They realized the phone call was God's provision to have the necessary prayer applied to the situation - as well as bring the assurance needed that they were indeed functioning under a prayer covering - even when they felt unable to pray for themselves. Just as Hagar's need was being met before she could utter her cry, the Lord was meeting theirs as well.

Psalm 84:11

For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

5.) Once A was given a room and the game plan was disclosed, part of the plan suggested preparation for invasive testing, as food and water were being withheld pending exam by a specialist. This caused B concern and did not bring peace. There were some details B needed to tend to, so a brief trip away from the hospital was made, during which time a phone call was placed to another prayer warrior friend. The situation was prayed for, and by the time B returned to the hospital, A had been given dinner - actually TWO dinners, and the plans were downgraded considerably.

Sunday August 12

Discharged after being examined by the specialist, all is well.

So.... now A is at home, and they are celebrating the provisions of God.

These are the truths of God I wish to celebrate and magnify with you because we can so easily get tangled in the confusion of it all that we overlook the Hand of God.

When we are unable to pray for ourselves because we've been blindsided or derailed in some way, God SUMMONS THE PRAYERS ON OUR BEHALF. When His children walk under the protection and blessing of God, He brings us what we need.

God also promises to lead us by His Spirit. Only God knows the future, the destination of the road we're on, or what situation is about to unfold before us. When we are sensitive to the Lord's leading, He can and does cause us to avoid tragedy that was not part of His perfect will for our life - for that day. There are times the Lord uses tragedy to bring about greater glory or greater good, how good to know that unless that is part of His perfect plan, He will instead provide our escape route.

Even when the Lord is allowing a situation, as He did in the lives of A and B this past weekend, in the midst of it, He continues to lead - He can continue to provide direction through the situation to minimize the pitfalls and prevent unnecessary disasters.

How good is our God!

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