I had the pleasure of attending a prayer retreat today with some lovely women from my church. I am still savoring the image of Jesus as our Shepherd. My safety is in Him, not my own strength or cunning. A few years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed a study of Phillip Keller's book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, and found it very nice today to have the opportunity to reflect on Christ - and His reflection of God's glory. Not only is He our awesome and majestic Lord- through Whom creation occurred, but also our powerful King, who paid our price as our meek and humble Savior. But it was particularly delightful to contemplate Jesus as our worthy and competent Shepherd. He is my soul anchor - the substance and reason for the hope that supports my eternal safety. Through His competent care, I am given everything I need to know Him, follow Him, serve Him, glorify Him. Through Him... His provision... His leading... His guidance - how I delight in each reassurance that I am resting in One who is able, and faithful, righteous and true.
Each time I test the boundaries of the sheep / Shepherd relationship - like trying to go it on my own for a while... I am reminded of how blissful is the ignorance of a sheep. To trust in the Lord, when in the natural things are just not happening fast enough, and it really seems "prudent" to take action according to my own ideas, or the world's ideas, requires the helpless faith of a sheep. I suspect the more capable we are, the more difficult it is to rest when we'd rather rush... to wait when we'd rather increase our odds of winning, to trust, rather than take.
All I know is that if it is not His will, it should not be my desire.
How worthy, wonderful and faithful is our Shepherd.
Each time I test the boundaries of the sheep / Shepherd relationship - like trying to go it on my own for a while... I am reminded of how blissful is the ignorance of a sheep. To trust in the Lord, when in the natural things are just not happening fast enough, and it really seems "prudent" to take action according to my own ideas, or the world's ideas, requires the helpless faith of a sheep. I suspect the more capable we are, the more difficult it is to rest when we'd rather rush... to wait when we'd rather increase our odds of winning, to trust, rather than take.
All I know is that if it is not His will, it should not be my desire.
How worthy, wonderful and faithful is our Shepherd.
What a beautiful place for a retreat. What a blessing to be able to go!
Hi Jen!
That would have been a great place for a retreat!!! This photo was taken from a trip to Oregon this past summer. What spectacular scenery, what wonderful and open people. We fell in love with it there. But we were certainly on a prayer retreat of sorts on that trip as well - the Lord took us on this journey out west to discover that what we were really looking for, we already had! How cool is THAT? :)
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