Thursday, December 27, 2007

year end

Chickadee in Kensington Metro Park.

I'm getting an early start on closing 2007, this time closing more than a year - but a chapter in my life as well. This season of crunching numbers and balancing accounts is almost a rite of passage. Passage from being employed, along with Jake, by a company of our own creation. Passage from being an employer, and the myriad related experiences, some good, some miserable. Passage from being my "own boss", which , translates into "everyone's my boss" as those of you who've been there can attest. But every passage "from" is also a passage "to" -even when still lacking knowledge of our destination. I've been giving some thought to the "to" of this passage, and the possibilities concealed in the promise of that tiny word. I am looking forward to the Lord's next assignment for my life. My prayer for 2008 is to live a life in which Christ has supremacy in everything (Col 1: 18). Funny thing is, I had thought I WAS doing that. But the beauty of growing nearer to the Lord is the whole Romans 7 thing: the closer I get, the more sinful I become... because I'm calling more things sin in my life...things that I previously accepted. But, what exactly is "supremacy"? ... Defined it would come across something like: The quality or condition of being the highest in authority, or rank, the highest in degree. But I sense the Lord beckoning me beyond words. If Christ TRULY has supremacy over everything in my life... yikes... my life should look quite a bit different. I used to think it would look like I have it all together... calm confidence in what I'm doing, and why - making progress in a clear direction, the day's agenda iron clad in my trusty planner, I know where I'm going and what I have to do, no more floundering with direction, purpose, seeming lack of accomplishment... But that place is not where the Lord has placed me at this moment in life. That place would be of my own creation - putting myself back in control to create comfort... security. Christ has no supremacy in that place... He barely gets an honorable mention. Allowing Christ's supremacy to be real in my life means I rejoice here. Right now. Not because of where I am or who I am, but because He IS. Regardless of the passage "to" that I'd like, as opposed to the one I may get. Allowing Christ's supremacy to have its proper influence over my life means I finally DO spend myself in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed in ADDITION to meditating on it. If the supremacy of Christ waves like a banner over my life, Jesus' words- - "A new command I give you: Love one another. ... By this all men will know that you are my disciples,..." - - will bear fruit that even my family can see and enjoy - - regardless of whether I'm on a good rant OR unusually pleased with humanity at the moment. So much could be transformed by such an allegiance. It seems to me that this is the key that will unlock the mysteries of loving as God would have us love, delighting in our weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions difficulties, or proclaiming with Paul: "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." The temporal benefit is that regardless of what actually happens, "joy" will be my daily dwelling place, instead of a yearly wish. "Rejoice" will become the state of my heart, instead of just a word on Christmas greetings. The eternal benefit will be enjoyed as we bask in the glory of God, being rewarded for our participation in its luster during our earthly sojourn.

Friday, December 21, 2007

a lot like Christmas

Atrium of the Compuware building in Downtown Detroit, (the heart of a very encouraging rebirth!).

I'm not a big fan of Christmas - and tend to struggle with involving myself in the whole commercial event it has become, instead seeking ways to infuse the "holiday" with meaning. Meditating on the incarnation has been a wonderfully meaningful thing, but I was still left with what to do about Christmas the "holiday". It came to me this morning in prayer. God is an on-time God... Just in time this time. The idea that the Lord gave was for us to give Grace Centers of Hope a donation on behalf of all the adults in my family. I called this morning, made the donation, and found myself putting ornaments on my nearly-naked Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I didn't even mind that as I did, nearly all the needles fell off. As I began dinner I found myself wandering among our CD collection for The Messiah - now it's Christmas. God became flesh and dwelt among us... and He gave us hope. He eased the burdens of the heavily laden. That is the Heart of God. So this Christmas instead of adding to the clutter of people's lives, the clutter will be spent to ease the burden of folks who don't have any clutter to worry about. I will be praying that my family is open to a suggestion that this replace all gift-exchanges among adults next year. I think that would make for the merriest Christmas ever! Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

gutters and pedestals

My grandson Andrew - - whatta cutie, eh?
I had the opportunity to share my testimony with the elder board / deacons and whoever else comprised the seemingly large gathering of people at my church, as part of the process of petitioning for membership. I love reflecting on and sharing my testimony, each time my gratitude deepens for a different aspect of the Lord's work in my life. As I prepared my thoughts, as is typical when I'm writing about the Lord, the words just flowed from my fingers. I was slightly surprised to see the aspect this preparation included.

When I first got saved, I was one of those people who believed God got off pretty easy with me. You know - - I wasn't in the gutter with addictions and "visible" problems... I actually felt the Lord didn't have much work to do at all to get me "cleaned up and ready for service." That is the blindness of pride. The ignorance of conceit. But I was a baby Christian, and didn't have a clue yet as to how this whole thing works.... As I've gotten to know the Lord and His heart - He has shown me, in doses I could handle, just how filthy and ugly my pride was to Him. As I prepared my testimony this time, I realized how pathetic pride is as well. I reflect back on all those gracious sisters and brothers, who held back reproof from this baby Christian, and instead bathed me in encouragement. God did not cross my path with those sisters in the Lord who seem to have created and appointed themselves to the Office of Official Rebuker. Yet I don't kid myself for a minute by thinking they "didn't notice".

I think of David, when the Lord confronted him for sinning by numbering the troops, and He wanted nothing to do with the Lord using human intervention for his judgement- He preferred the very Hand of God to dole out the punishment he had to endure. Likewise, the Lord didn't use people to correct me, instead He taught me through the Word and His Holy Spirit, and His very hand doling out judgement / consequence. He pitied my condition, and showed compassion to me. The Lord knew what would work better for this babe; I could no sooner receive reproof at that point than I could climb Mt. Everest. Granted being able to receive reproof is critical and important, and the way to wisdom - it just requires a little maturity under your belt to get there.

I believe the arthritis and my recent hand surgery was consequence of my pride - my pride made an idol of music, and literally put me in bondage to perfecting the turn of a phrase..., to the exclusion of many other things that were probably more important in my life. Phantom of the Opera is such a great depiction of this bondage... this slavery... that period of life that wasn't life at all. Part of how the Lord enabled me to see my bondage and my pride was through some very devestating losses. But tearing down idols is not a gentle process - and He began the demolition long before I got saved - the path He used to draw me to Himself was paved with the wreckage of my breaking. And as I look back at some experiences, which at the time were rather traumatic, I see the Hand of God and I overflow with gratitude, thanskgiving, relief. He used the broken fragments of my life to weave together my lifeline. What a wonderful introduction to Romans 8:28. Mercy 101. Grace for Dummies. But once you've been through the breaking of pride (not to imply He's done with me, nor that I've arrived...) you begin to wonder about that gutter. How different would the experience have been of the Lord's hand being used to lift me up, instead of to knock me down. Hmmm, another thought -- I bet the Lord sees the gutter as a very sacred place. Whatever brings us to the end of self is beautiful in God's eyes, and makes us more beautiful in His eyes as well.

Friday, November 16, 2007

rich in Him

I am not a believer in the prosperity teachings. I do, however, believe that God guides us by consequence and circumstance. When trials seem to stack up in life, I like to seek the Lord for any areas in which I might be out of alignment with His will, any areas of sin I have yet to recognize. Life has been like that... and I've been seeking.

Two weeks ago, I came under conviction regarding money we received for the sale of our company. This money had not yet come out of the corporate account, my thinking was to keep it intact until we know how much of it even ends up being ours. Our plan was to tithe on the money when it technically became ours. The wind-down phase of running a company has held some surprises so far, and I didn't figure we were out of the woods yet. It seemed prudent to keep the sum intact to cover the taxes that would be due from that sum, as well as the final bills from the CPA etc.etc.etc. At one point, my rough estimates seemed as though there would actually be very little remaining after everyone had gotten their piece.

Yet, I desired to be in the Lord's will - we are very aware that He is leading us by the hand through a mine field, and to follow His leading when the circumstances are loud, requires a connection that is not hindered by sin. As I considered the check in my spirit, the realization dawned that if I'm considering "technicalities" - once the sale of the company was closed, the money was "technically" ours - no longer the company's. On further reflection, I realized what we were actually doing was holding back from God until we knew our needs were met, then we'd tithe on what remained. That is not the spirit of tithing. Tithing, as I understand it, is to joyfully trust God to cover my need, as I eagerly offer Him what is acutally His, of what He has given me. Knowing the character of God enables me to trust Him and His purposes for my life. If financial hardship is how I will bring Him the greatest glory, I trust Him for that. If financial blessing is how I bring Him the greatest glory, I trust Him to lead me on that path as well. Either way, I trust Him enough to give Him back His portion before I know if "my" portion will be "enough" to cover my responsibilities... because I know He will provide for what He wants me to do.

So, we tithed on the money from the sale of the company at the beginning of this month. Since then I've been in a whirlwind. Jake and I were prepared for 4 months of job hunting. November began our 4th month. November's anticipated expenses wound up being nearly double what we'd budgeted, because of various unexpected "situations" (aka tests). Since tithing:

  • unexpected income came in

  • a credit with a company covered one of the bills that unexpectedly increased this month's expenses

  • an insurance company decided to pay a claim they initially said was not their responsiblity, decreasing another unexpected expense
  • an offer was made by a Christian sister (who had no idea any of this was going on) to pay for an expense we were covering for someone else in need

  • the Lord provided a stragegy to eliminate a significant portion (most...) of this unexpected expense from an upcoming transaction

  • cost saving alternatives were discovered for two significant ongoing expenses

  • Jake accepted a job offer yesterday, has orientation today, starts Monday

I just needed to celebrate God's faithfulness by sharing this with you. I have been sharing this journey - not really knowing the destination, trusting that God would bring from it something to strengthen us, encourage us, reveal Himself to us. I am encouraged by these events. And while the journey continues, I sense God's hand very clearly in this story. I am enjoying the nearness of God as He navigates us through the minefield. When times are easy, it seems He can lead from a greater distance - but when the path is treacherous, being led by the hand is necessary. You can't hold His hand from too far away... I am made rich by His nearness.

To God be the glory!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

heavenly wisdom

Crater Lake, Oregon

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom." James 3:13
Works were God's first revelation of Himself to humanity. Before Adam was molded from the clay of the earth, God created the clay, the earth, the universe and beyond what we have yet to discover. Into this perfect ecosystem, sustained by the will of God, humanity was born. I am one who is continually awestruck by the perfection of nature. When I vacation, I crave the works God -mountains, forests- and my souvenirs tend to be rocks. I am fascinated by the symbiotic
relationships strengthening what on its own, may not survive. Form follows function, function points to purpose, purpose supports an other's need. There are spiritual lessons in tree bark for heaven's sake - God's works are completely fascinating, logical, and utterly perfect. His works reveal His heart, His pure wisdom.
As Christ-followers, our assurance comes from the fruit of our faith - our works. It is through our works that others see Christ. But only our pure works, those done in the humility that comes from wisdom. This heavenly wisdom is described in James 3:17 as: pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Ouch. I am not sure I can point to much work I've accomplished yet birthed from that wisdom. Other's have argued this, but they've not seen the tainted motives of my heart - perhaps a desire to win someones approval, a desire to feel significant... the list is entirely too discouraging to continue. But the list of my tainted motives is not the point - the very fact that I am grieved by the list is fruit... indeed the pure fruit that reveals wisdom from heaven. Part of God's perfect creation is a system that is entirely dependent upon its Savior. The fact that am learning how to rely on my Lord is pleasing to God. The fact that in my own strength I fail - is the way He set the whole thing up. I cannot be pleasing to God in my own strength, or while working my own agenda.
But - - the desire to go beyond working in one's own strength lies in what is to be gained by such pursuit. Onlookers are to be moved to give glory to God for the works they see us perform - as the works of Jesus testified to the authenticity of His ministry. As God's works point to His heart, our works should reflect the heart of God when motivated by heavenly wisdom. Pure...peace-loving....considerate....submissive....full of mercy and good fruit..... impartial... sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness (Jas 3:18). A harvest of righteousness will shine like a beacon to help the lost find their way to the only source of peace under the sun... the Son.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

faith must be tested

Alaska, south of Anchorage, near the Kenai Penninsula

Somehow those words create a sense of uneasiness when the season is free and easy. During those seasons, testing is something I infrequently pray for -- aside from those times of intense desire to go deeper with the Lord - after He has cleverly drawn back, in order to lure me closer. In those moments of excruciating need for more of Him, I'll pray the "do what ever it takes" prayer, then hang on tight. But when everything seems to be going just fine, the testing of my faith is something I'd rather do without. However, today I read in an Expository Commentary on John "faith must be tested" - and I nearly jumped for joy. The words provided a ton of consolation to my spirit. After a while in the storm, I start to wonder if God is up to something else - I've searched my heart for any unconfessed sin... done everything I know to do in that area. Our employment situation has caused me to wonder if we could be reaping a harvest from bad seed sown in our business - but my most honest scrutiny consistently proves our business ethics above suspicion or reproach. We've wondered if we heard God wrong about selling the company - putting ourselves out of work in a terrible economy with record unemployment rates.... But after praying, fasting, seeking and awaiting confirmation - if God let us take a wrong turn, I don't know enough about God to get out of bed in the morning. The God I know doesn't try to conceal His will from those who are earnestly seeking it and Him. So we believe that God did indeed lead us to this place. We believe we walked here in obedience. We just expected different scenery when we arrived.... So this morning, when I read the words "faith must be tested" my spirit shouted YES! This is a test... this is only a test... if it were a real emergency I would have been instructed which radio station to tune to for further instructions! YESSS!

Friday, November 2, 2007

no time to loose faith

Lovely Lake Strelna in the Alaskan wilderness.

James 1:2-8

I heard something on the radio this morning that caused my husband and I to nearly gasp in agreement. This local preacher said it something like this: there are two types of storms in your life - those that change your direction and those that refine. Jake and I have been on a stormy faith-walk for about 4 months now - and this path has uprooted nearly everything we had for stability. At this point there are two areas that I celebrate stability in - my relationship with Jake is wonderful, and our decision to not sell our home and move. But everything else... is storm tossed at best. People I love are struggling with very serious issues that demand my help in time and funding, the severe economic storm in Michigan is not helping Jake find work, the cash saved for this time is dwindling, medical issues are growing, we denied a purchase agreement for the opportunity to sell our rental property because of some suspicions it aroused. The early hours are beginning to find me awakening to "what if"? But before anxiety takes root, I reflect on what the Lord has done so far. He clearly led Jake and I to sell our business. The details were orchestrated in such as way so to know that we know... The Lord was clearly directing our path. So now is no time to loose faith. Now is time to celebrate the goodness of God, the faithfulness of our Lord. It is time to cling tenaciously to the Word and The One it reveals. It is time to spend more time on my knees. But instead, I got distracted, and busy. As I tried to brush past this point with a very discerning friend, she cornered me with "you know Dinah, no one can do this for you but you". Once I got past being mad at getting busted by her discernment (it didn't seem fair at the time) I realized how ordained our visit was. How absolutely true and wise her words were. I had fallen into that cycle of being in the Word, but for purposes other than spending time with my Life-Source. I was completing studies, fleshing out concepts, seeking direction. But I was not lingering at the River of Life for the love of the Lord. I was not spending time listening. I was growing dry, and beginning to look to myself for solutions to the myriad situations confronting us. We are in a place in which the Lord is taking us by the hand through a mine-field. Trying to walk by sight now is pointless, and could be dangerous. Knowing better, I tried it anyway! How blessed I am that the Lord knows my need, even when I forget to bring it before Him. He provided the loving rebuke of a trusted friend, whose prayers I could feel the next morning as I dove in, and drank deeply. Now is no time to loose faith, but it is time to stand on it - to allow the Lord to perfect it, to look not to the circumstances but to Him who controls them, and trust that His plan is perfect, right and wise.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

worthy Shepherd

I had the pleasure of attending a prayer retreat today with some lovely women from my church. I am still savoring the image of Jesus as our Shepherd. My safety is in Him, not my own strength or cunning. A few years ago, I thoroughly enjoyed a study of Phillip Keller's book, A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23, and found it very nice today to have the opportunity to reflect on Christ - and His reflection of God's glory. Not only is He our awesome and majestic Lord- through Whom creation occurred, but also our powerful King, who paid our price as our meek and humble Savior. But it was particularly delightful to contemplate Jesus as our worthy and competent Shepherd. He is my soul anchor - the substance and reason for the hope that supports my eternal safety. Through His competent care, I am given everything I need to know Him, follow Him, serve Him, glorify Him. Through Him... His provision... His leading... His guidance - how I delight in each reassurance that I am resting in One who is able, and faithful, righteous and true.

Each time I test the boundaries of the sheep / Shepherd relationship - like trying to go it on my own for a while... I am reminded of how blissful is the ignorance of a sheep. To trust in the Lord, when in the natural things are just not happening fast enough, and it really seems "prudent" to take action according to my own ideas, or the world's ideas, requires the helpless faith of a sheep. I suspect the more capable we are, the more difficult it is to rest when we'd rather rush... to wait when we'd rather increase our odds of winning, to trust, rather than take.

All I know is that if it is not His will, it should not be my desire.

How worthy, wonderful and faithful is our Shepherd.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

safe in His hands

Jesus began His earthly ministry in total dependence upon the Father. Through His submission to baptism by John the Baptist, to his 40 day fast in the wilderness, in all things He deflected glory to the Father, and learned to completely rely on the Father. One result of doing all things by the Father's strength was the legacy He provided us - - we, too, can overcome humanly insurmountable odds when we are in total dependence upon the Father. Jesus played out for us the truth of God's power being perfect in our weakness. He not only showed us that we can overcome in the strength God provides us, but He showed us HOW - following His 40 day fast, after being harassed by Satan for the duration, when taunted to turn stones into bread, responded with truth - the Word of God "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God". It is the Word that feeds our spirit, strengthens us, grows us, teaches us. True, we cannot live forever without physical food, but we cannot live forever WITH it either. However, spiritual food, the Word of God, timeless, true, tested and triumphant, will reign forever.

Another aspect of this legacy, is that Jesus faced every temptation we will experience -human in form, subject to the same temptations that we confront - without caving. I'm not saying this so I can feel condemnation for my frequent failures, but so I can wonder about this Jesus... so I can just allow myself to be suspended in that place of awe at what He did. Not only WHAT He did, but the legacy He provided the church in the process - since He lived life the same way I live it, since He faced temptation, discouragement, fatigue and grief - just like I do, I know He knows what I'm going through when I'm there as well. Because He laid down His life for me, I know that my heart is safe in His hands, and my future can rest in His promise.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

the scent of our King

This bloom of Rose of Sharon in my backyard is concealing her beauty - only a hint, a glimpse of what is contained within the petals can be seen. That reminds me of the view the Old Testament saints had of Jesus, veiled shadows pointing to a future glory and a majesty so great that when He walked in their midst, many failed to recognize Him. They were looking for what would fit within their paradigm of majestic glory. This morning my heart, much like the writer of the Psalm below, is overflowing with a yearning - but mine is to know Him so well, that I will not miss Him... a need to know Him so intimately that I can recognize His scent. This post is the first in what, Lord willing, will be a series of studies to know my Lord more intimately.

Psalm 45:8

All Your garments are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia;
Out of ivory palaces stringed instruments have made You glad.

I spent a few months sniffing essential oils, incense sticks and the like in the search for this scent. I learned that a comparable fragrance that I could relate to would be something of a combination of sandalwood, and cinnamon, but I had no current reference for the aloes. I discovered that these combinations would fragrance anointing oils - as for anointing the High Priest, as well as for embalming the dead. Hmmmmm. This oil is also referred to as the oil of gladness, or the oil of joy. The Holy Spirit is frequently referred to as this oil. My search for the scent was pointing so clearly to Christ Himself, that my search transferred back to Him alone. Joel 2:13 comes to mind, in that outward expressions are not what God is looking for, and therefore are probably not the way in which He is revealed either. What I really seek is to fellowship so closely with Him that I begin to bear His scent, from the inside out. I can only know Him this well when I abide deeply in the Word and prayer, because through the Word I come to know the truth of Christ and God's purposes, and through prayer, the knowledge in my head deepens the relationship with my heart. I'll be exploring the glimpses of my beloved Savior throughout the Word as I seek to become more like Him in the process.

My first glimpse of Christ is in creation:

Genesis 1:26:

Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky, over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

Colossians 1:15-17

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

Hebrews 1:2 these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world.

I am struck by the example of unity that this reveals... Our triune Godhead planning the world that would later be our temporal home. Jesus enacted the desires of His Father's heart...the Holy Spirit quietly hovered, how beautiful. Consider how closely Christ was aligned with the purposes of God the Father. No personal agenda, no disagreements in project management. Just pure unity. Unity in purpose, execution, design.
However - - there are some features of creation that keep me guessing... when I consider some marine animals, their amazing design gets me to think there might have been some compromise involved in this whole unity thing....

Bicolor Angelfish bottom photo

Mandarin Goby top photo

Ok, I'm kidding... The marine examples reflect, to me, the utter joy and expressive abandon that accompanied the act of creation. There is a joyful, exhuberant side to the Lord. To contrast my image of my King suffering for my wretched sin, I can contemplate my preincarnate Lord, spirit in form and omnipresent in nature, celebrating the expression of perfection, joyfully splashing color, sound and smell across the vast beauty of His creation. The realities of life in today's world frequently expose me to news reports so hideous that I cannot bear the details, and must rush turn the radio off so I can to turn my heart to prayer. Especially in these moments, I must remember that this same God is Lord and King over all. As our world continues on its course toward our appointment with eternity, I must never loose perspective. He reigns. His purposes are unfolding before our eyes, even when we cannot see. This all began for the purpose revealing and celebrating His glory, and that is where it will all end. The hand that created the universe is the same Hand that was pierced for our sin, and it is the same Hand that will return to take us home.

Enjoy Nicole Mullen celebrate the hope of our Redeemer!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

giving voice

Psalm 40:3
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

I guess if my blog has a banner, this is it. My desire is to share the God-prints in my life, and together with you magnify His goodness as we press into the heart of God.

This verse causes me to reflect on the many ways a voice is given to what lacks language. For example, I was a pianist prior to going into business with Jake...loosing my thumb joints etc. Music gives voice to rapturous joy, brooding laments, deep yearnings - this language is not spoken with words - but instead the language of melody, harmony, rhythm and tempo. But in the hands of a musician, these combine to speak the language of music, that can be understood by the heart.

The tiller of a sailboat speaks a language too. It conveys, through is resistance and tension the language of the seas as the power of wind and current are harnessed by the keel and sails of the boat. This language is understood by the hands of the helmsman, and contributes to effective control of the boat.

But... hymns, songs... what is God truly looking for from me as a way to give voice to the song He has placed in my mouth? Did people just burst into a song of in the days of the Old Testament -- and did this impact people differently that it would today? I use to participate in an outreach on the streets of Detroit that necessitated driving a van up and down Woodward Ave. and Michigan Ave. in the wee hours of the morning. One morning, about 2:30 or 3:00 am, we stopped at the best donut shop on earth IMHO... Dutch Girl (or was it Dutch Boy??) on Woodward near 7 mile- for an unbelievably fresh donut and some fresh-ground coffee. On my way back to the van, I was serenaded by a man with a lovely operatic voice - singing a wonderful tenor aria to me - full volume. I stood there sipping my coffee, wondering how much danger I was actually in ... curious as to what the few cars that drove past were thinking... as well as wondering how many sleeping people were suddenly dreaming opera. But it just felt weird - and his voice was actually fabulous. We don't look at song as a conventional mode of street or office language. Did they really sing to each other back then?

God used creation to give voice to the inexpressible in Psalm 19:1-4

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of His hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

This language of the inexpressible points to the inexplicable, and we have nothing left to say but "GOD". Hallelujah!

So, what languages declare the glory of God? Please add to the list! I want to expand my vocabulary.

1.) the language of a smile; universal, open, welcoming...
2.) the language of deference; little understood these days, but when someone lets you go ahead of them, and you are on your last nerve... it can speak volumes
3.) the language of kindness; I watched as my husband offered to hold the door for a man on crutches as we entered the surgical waiting area for my hand surgery. You could read in the man's gratitude how many doors were slammed in his face by able-bodied people.
4.) ....

Friday, September 14, 2007

who gave Himself

photo: full moon rising over Lethbridge, Alberta

Last night was predominantly sleepless. During these dark, solitary hours, I am particularly prone to attack, despair, discouragement. However, I sensed the Lord giving me this scripture yesterday for pondering... it proved to be effective in my defense against attack last night as well as a source of joy during the day. It is good to return to the bottomless foundational truths to reinforce and restore what the world seeks constantly, to erode.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,
who gave Himself for our sins
so that He might rescue us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, to whom be the glory forevermore. Amen.
Galatians 1:3-5

  • gave HIMSELF. Not an external, peripheral token, but His very self. Not a day or a week or even a decade, but His very SELF. God the Son, stepped into time, donning flesh of His creation, identifying with us. That is the part that captures my heart - He did this in such as way as to enable us to recognize Him, understand Him, identify with Him, and follow Him. For this total identification, as well as to fulfill the qualifications for High Priest, (Hebrews 2:17) He laid down aspects of His Deity that would have given Him an advantage that rendered His example untouchable. But then after coming into this world and living for us, He died ... for our SIN. He didn't die for the cute, sincere, well-intentioned human frailties, but for the sin which cut us off from God the Father. The sin that permeates, even polluting our seemingly good intentions. He died for the "me" that is ugly and untouchable by God the Father. Not the "me" that He knew would eventually turn to Him... choose Him... receive Him... Love Him. He died for the "me" that rejected Him, spat on Him, nailed Him to the cross.
so that....

  • He might rescue us from this present evil age.... Good news. We've been rescued. I had nothing to do with the Lord dying for my sin - I was passive in my rescue. I have been rescued from eternal death / damnation / separation from God, and have been rescued from this present evil as well. This present evil that works constantly to convince me that I am at risk, floundering, vulnerable. This present evil, that can so overwhelm us at times, that we forget to draw our Sword, causing us to become focused on the battle, forgetting that it has been won. It is not MY ability to fight that this victory is based upon. This victory is based on the work of Christ. To bring that eternal victory into the dark hours of the night, I need to draw the Sword, overcoming the evil with the power of the Word. (Ephesians 6:10-17) My focus needs to be my all sufficient Savior - not the details I might otherwise choose to be consumed with.

  • According to the will of our God and Father - - the foundation of my confidence is in being in God's will. Knowing He is faithful. Knowing His Word has power. Knowing I am to use the Word as my defensive weapon, not my own reasoning power, problem solving ability.

  • To Whom be the glory forevermore. I must be willing to relinquish any fantasy of having contributed to the battle with my own strength, with my own anything. I cannot even use the Word in my own strength.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

momentarily taciturn

whilst generally bordering on loquaciousness, single-handed typing has inspired me to explore the world of verbal restraint. one month of living one-handed lies ahead, left hand immobilized, awaiting healing of the tendon fashioned into a graft, replacing my basal thumb joint. that is the bottom one, attaching to the carpal bones of the wrist.

i envisioned more wilderness time with God during this recovery- after my right hand i enjoyed amazing fellowship and intimacy with the Lord. this time i'm distracted. different place. different focus. i don't like it.

a sleeping passion has been awakened. i want a sailboat. i re-live my sailing days every night through dreams. awakened from a sound sleep by my own yelp, searing pain in my hand ... the realization slowly dawns that the jibsheet i'm winching in is only a dream and i can let go now.

the plastic bag technique failed this morning, so i drenched my cast/dressing in the shower. my arm is soggy. yik. i don't like it.

too emotional. thanks, hormones.... i don't like it. don't think jake does either.

i want my wilderness back... i don't like it here.

God - momentarily taciturn. moments feel like a long time. what do you mean "welcome to my wilderness?"

Monday, September 10, 2007

sitting it out

Just a note to say that I had surgery Friday, and until the narcotic fog clears I won't be blogging. All went very well this time. None of the anesthesia complications that we had last time, praise the Lord!! I appreciate your prayers and enjoyed that special presence of the Lord that remains a more prominent memory than the ordeal.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

content with manna

There is something about need that allows new insights to surface - - about ourselves, and more importantly, about God. Self-reliance insulates us against that nagging and sometimes terrifying awareness of there being an end to our ability. We can spend many decades snuggled comfortably behind that insulation. Its warmth and softness can shield us from the harshness and sharp edges of the world. But snuggled in that little cocoon called our comfort-zone, we are also shielded from something magnificent, astounding, life-giving. Until something rocks our world and cracks open our cocoon, we may never know El-Shaddai.

El-Shaddai is Hebrew for God Almighty, a name that reveals the complete power to provide. Interestingly, the Shaddai part of His name is related to a world that means breast, so the Hebrew scholars believe this name describes the aspect of God that meets all our needs. It tells us that He can and will supply completely, just as the nursing mother provides all her childs physical, nutritional and emotional needs in the act of nursing her infant.

But to receive the Lord in this way, we must come vulnerable, needy. The self-sufficient can acknowledge the almighty power and infinite goodness of God, which is an awesome start, but the one who comes needy goes beyond appreciation of omnipotence and omniscience - the needy enters into a place of trusting the Lord for the very air they breathe - the broken know God in a place of restoration, consolation - provision, grace - hope and confidence. God's power is made perfect in our weakness because we've finally let go of the reins in that place. Grown too weak to hang on, perhaps. However it happens, to know the Lord in a place of our own desperation, causes us to walk in a new confidence in Him, trusting in His faithfulness. We finally emerge from the cocoon, knowing we were not protected by it, but shielded from grace by it. We can handle the sharp edges or the cold, because we know that the Lord accompanies us there, and will not allow us to endure anything that He did not either decree or permit. That thought brings me back to the beginning of my thinking - - it is by the sharp edges that God allows, that our cocoon is split open in the first place.

I'm thinking along these lines as I approach joint replacement surgery to my left hand. I know what the Lord did during the recovery from my right hand. He met me there. Sure I had pain, sure I struggled to do what little I could even do. But that time alone with the Lord in the wilderness... was amazing. I learned what He promises is real. I learned what He says, He'll do. I learned that even when I think He's found me terribly annoying and must be on to more fertile ground, that He is beside me. Consolation is mine, if I seek it, and am willing to be consoled His way... instead of mine. Therein lies the secret to contentment with manna. I have to let God be God, and find joy in being a lump of clay. If I desire contentment, and the truest form of joy, I have to accept His terms, and embrace them as mine.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Proverbs 16:9

This was the start of last year's West Virginia backpacking trip.

Perhaps it is just "coincidence", but....
(those who know me know I do not believe in coincidence...) we were supposed to be backpacking in West Virginia this weekend. This is a trip we've had planned and been looking forward to for the whole year. We were to hike a ridge and attempt our first route that did not have easy access to water, as you have when hiking a valley where you'll find rivers and streams. Apparently God had other plans. I don't pretend to be able to understand His ways, but sometimes some of the benefits of the change in plan are immediately obvious. Since aborting the trip Wednesday night (due to a team member obeying a leading to minister to an aunt in crisis), here are a few of the things that have happened:

  • Thursday there was a medical crisis HERE that needed my help, when we would have been out of town taking the dogs to the dogsitter (Grandma's house).
  • Friday morning I broke a toe. Cramming my foot in a boot and strapping 40 pounds of gear to my back would have made for a miserable weekend.
  • Friday night we had an opportunity to go sailing with some friends who are very strong in the Lord, and gained new perpsective with regard to how the Lord had been leading us.
  • Sunday we attended a service in which the message provided confirmation and direction to many aspects of this season. By the time we arrived home from church, we had a clear sense that the Lord had illuminated the next step of the process, we took our house off the market, and entered into a whole new sense of peace, settledness and direction.
  • Monday - we would have been hiking off the mountain this day, and I started the morning off by throwing my back out. Not bad, just that nuisance pain that tells me I need to become more intentionally fitness minded, especially after these hand surgeries that cause such atrophy from being immobilized.

Proverbs 16:9

The mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

back home again

This was a hard thing to get used to. I was amazed at how many issues surfaced as I allowed my husband to take the helm. I know this is what he had to do, and what he is fully competent to do, but, you know...
We bought my childhood home from the estate after my dad passed away on the fateful 9/11. It just made sense for us in that season of our lives. We were also able to pay it off, and live mortgage-free. A series of events - brought us to the belief that we were to change location, direction, habitation, vocation... basically our entire lives seemed to be tossed up into the air. So, in response, we placed our house on the market. Wow. Let me tell you, my flesh wanted to throw hissy fits. My husband's parents immigrated, his sisters and he then migrated to different parts of the continent. They are accustomed to living physically apart, without sacrificing the intimacy and closeness of relationship. They figured out how to do it, and well. BUT.... My parents rarely wanted to step foot out of their house... Two of my three wonderful sisters live here. My daughter and scrumptuous grandbabies live within an hour of here. I have 3 semesters of Biblical Hebrew under my belt, which was no easy task. I don't have throngs of friends, but those I have, I cherish. But Jake, bless his heart, has lived with my choices and the consquences thereof since we said I-DO. He has totally laid down his agenda, his desires, the pulls of his heart to satisy my needs. For the first time, he wanted something other than what we have. GULP. It was clearly his turn. So, I laid it down. I've not shed more tears in my life than those over leaving the people I love (privately... Jake never knew). But, regardless, I embraced the idea - we listed the house, and both worked like crazy to tend to the details of it showing well. I kept the house "company ready", I prayed for a buyer. We followed a trail of "bread crumbs" to Oregon, a trip clearly of the Lord's design, fell in love with the area, developed relationships with several of the people, truly cooperated with whatever Jake desired. Came home and cried some more. Laid it down all over again... you get the picture.
But Jake has been reading this book... about living debt-free. We are in total unity with regard to this goal, and our only debt at this point is our cars. To pull off the move we had envisioned, we would pool the revenue from the sale of our assets, combine that with a mortgage and live to pay it off. We are empty nesters- mortgage free, about to be completely debt-free... why on earth would we want to do something like that? Funny you should ask... that is the exact question Jake began asking. Combine this with some new ideas of how we could escape the chaos of the city and actually enjoy refreshment for a change (no longer being chained to a business), the decision was nearly made. But the decision had to be his.
For kicks this morning we attended a church right in our community, instead of doing the cross-town commute. We loved it. The people looked familiar... like we'd seen them before. Who knows, maybe they are our neighbors?? Anyway, this thing has been bathed in prayer, and by the time we arrived home from church, Jake had decided that after having examined the choices, he'd choose our current home. Not as my dad's house, but as the home he is the head of - HIS choice. So he placed a call to the realtor who graciously agreed to take OUR HOME off the market. It is no longer for sale.
OK, this has been a really REALLY big deal to me. I have not gone into half of the issues, deadlines and "stuff" that were interwoven into the timing of this. It was more than I could think through. But the Lord was faithful. Again. He allowed this situation to bring many things to the surface. Things that were heavy, deeply rooted, painful - probably inaccessible any other way. And by bringing this stuff to the surface, He brought it into His light, which reveals the darkness, the deception that prevents us from untangling ourselves. He has corrected thinking that has kept me in bondage. This is just the surface I've scratched. Isn't God good?

Saturday, September 1, 2007

run with the wind

I grew up sailing with my dad. As his First Mate for racing and the like, I grew to love life under sail. Harnessing the power of wind and current always thrilled and amazed me. Celestial Navigation and Piloting were favorite subjects of my science fair projects. Sailing remained in my blood long after leaving home for an ill-fated marriage at the age of 19. Last night Jake and I were invited out for an evening sail with some friends. I silenced my urge to warn Jake of the dangers of arousing this sleeping passion. I merely agreed to go.

Sailing is a sport that humbles control freaks. When pursuing a destination upwind, since a sailboat cannot sail directly into the wind, the course must be slightly off the wind, and the destination is reached by several zig-zags. This is called tacking upwind. So if the wind is coming from where you want to go, you are in for a bit of effort to reach your destination. But this can be an exciting sailing position because you can heel, or sail with the boat leaning over dramatically as the sails are trimmed tight against a strong wind, a sure fix for adrenalin junkies. Fun stuff. But reaching your destination can be a different story. Last night our destination was right where the wind was coming from. But the weather was perfect, the company was good, and no one really seemed to care where we wound up. So we tacked back and forth across a good stretch of water into the wind, and then we were treated to a run back to the marina by sunset.

A run can feel so effortless that you need to look at bubbles or debris in the water zooming past you to be reminded that you are actually moving. And at a good clip. You no longer feel the wind against your face, and since you are running with it, don't sense any resistance to the wind by the boat or sails. The over-all sense of it is peace... calm... REST. Surrender. While the upwind course can spell adventure to many, running with the wind lacks all the outward display of sport, of risk, of skill. It is a place of resting while the wind and current just carry you along.

Jake and I are currently in a place where trusting the Lord is a huge focus. We are suspended in a place of waiting, with several opportunities to make a false start, think we've figured out God, every new perspective threatens to convince us that THIS SURELY MUST BE IT. Now, with the sleeping passion of sailing awakened, we are considering ways to stay in the Great Lake State... But the Lord has very clearly demonstrated to us that when it is time, and when it is really IT, He will make it clear. Part of the discomfort of this new place is the lack of busyness - the lack of stuff to do. What that really equates to is a lack of importance - the loss of being needed for MY OWN contributions.

After a season of working to prove to myself that I was saved, (and undoubtedly others as well) I'm beginning the learn how to run with the wind, instead of against it... opposed to it, even if well intended and "only a little". It really looks like I'm not accomplishing anything at all, you know? My planner is not plastered with ink. There are openings in my schedule. Many, in fact. I'm currently out of work, and must remain so until after I've recovered from hand surgery that is scheduled for next Friday. That probably will not be until January. I have no committee meetings, no leadership meetings, not even any "official" discipleship involvement. I'm really not serving in an "official" position with my church, as the Lord has said "no" to many requests placed before Him. I feel like I really bring nothing to the party, you know?

There is really nothing left for me to bring, or do, or lead or plan, because He has already done everything that matters. The only thing left for me to do, is to follow. To respond. Not passive indifference, but a poised readiness, that refuses to indulge in a false start to relieve its discomfort.

From this place I'm learning some things about myself.

  • I'd rather study God's Word deeply and thoroughly than pursue a new career.

  • I'd rather learn to pray well than learn better time management so I can fit more in my schedule.

  • I'd rather learn to love well than to lead, or plan, or direct, or whatever.

  • I'm getting comfortable - slowly - with "nothing to show" for "who I am". That's a biggie. During the seasons past, it was all I had.

Monday, August 27, 2007

things above

I've been haunted by the rage I had rise up in me the other evening. Not because I fear being human, or because I feel I should somehow be exempt from the influences of my flesh - but because that reaction was so completely devoid of the influence of Christ. It is easy to shine with Christlikeness when life is calm and going my way. But we are to persevere - through trial and hardship - and I am haunted by the realization that it took so little trial to cause me to crack. An olive is pressed, or crushed to release its contents - oil. When pressed, I'm supposed to release something much different than rage - that is supposed to be when my greatest witness to the eyes of the lost occurs. They are supposed to be so amazed at the peace and joy emanating from my response to trial that they want what I'm having. Right?

My quiet time this morning brought me to Colossians 3. Somehow my previous studies of this chapter did not point so clearly to HOW to put aside anger, HOW to lay aside old self, HOW to put on the new self... How can the peace of Christ rule in my heart when my mind is arguing some lousy driver's right to consume oxygen? Well... I found a clue. I was driving to an early morning appointment when this morning's reading came back to me. Col 3:2 starts with "Set your mind on the things above..." Hmmmm... I found a definition of this at To "direct one's mind to, to seek, to strive for." So I should begin by actively seeking and striving to fill my mind with thoughts of "things above." Um, but that's what I thought I was doing - and it didn't "work".... I usually have my mind occupied with thoughts of my Lord, I find Him captivating and an endless source of wonderful consideration. But I found a degree of "active process" in the word study that I've not previously considered. By "having my mind occupied with" thoughts of the Lord, I am being passive, undisciplined - thoughts come... thoughts go.... I should instead seek to actively APPLY the LOVE evidenced in what inspires those thoughts to the circumstances, people, conditions around me. Actively directing my mind in Christlikeness, instead of passively meandering through the thoughts of the day, the drive, whatever... will do far more to renew my mind and enable me to "put on love..." and "let the peace of Christ rule..." than just having my mind occupied with pleasant thoughts. When pressed... crushed... I want the contents I spew to be glorifying to the One who gave His life for me. I don't want the love I "put on" to be a "put-on"... that falls apart when the pressing begins. How do you put on love... how do you let the peace of Christ RULE in YOUR hearts?

Sunday, August 26, 2007


This touched me today. Found it on a blog I was exploring:

Thanks to Windows to My Soul for sharing this, and I will add her suggestion:
Watch the whole thing.

Friday, August 24, 2007

road rage and twisters

I really thought I'd outgrown it. I mean, as my 4th decade draws to a close I was thinking I had achieved some degree of maturity. Today I have to re-consider that. What is it about this raging spirit that is so contagious? Granted, the raged-against driver was in the wrong, in several of her dangerous maneuvers, but still... The scary part is, I allowed the aggression demonstrated by a driver in front of me to act as an affirmation of my "right" to be mad too. There was something in me that rose up and cried "me tooooooo!!!" Now I wasn't as bad as in my un-saved youth... but I was darn sure once this person cut out onto the shoulder to pass the line of cars that had made their way around her roadblock she wasn't going to get in in front of ME. I have to even admit a feeling of glee when her escape was blocked by a road sign on the shoulder. That glee nearly cost me some body work. How stupid. And to make it even more pathetic, we were all trying to beat a tornado home. Heading into dark green skies, 4 sightings of tornadoes, supposed touchdowns... and I'm worried about making sure this person doesn't get away with cutting me off. I feel as if my flesh has just indulged itself in a feeding frenzy of rage and now my spirit's stomach is upset.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

dedicated to the Lord

When Sarah called last night to ask if we wanted to attend Kaitlyn's dedication, my first thought was "so soon?", thinking maybe she should still be resting, and not out and about at only 5 days post-partum. But then Pastor said something that really made sense - "The first place the child is taken is to the House of the Lord." How beautiful!

During the dedication, parents are cautioned against taking too lightly their promise before the Lord to provide a godly home and upbringing to the children, and the grandparents and congregation are reminded of their responsibility to pray for the parents to raise their children according to the ways of the Lord.

Great-Aunt enjoys a moment with Andrew.

My brother-in-law, and their two great boys.

Andrew was making the rounds today! He is at the perfect-snuggly-toddler stage and willingly throws his arms around your neck to snuggle. Ahhhhhh.

Andrew is becoming quite the ham! Much to his grandmother's delight... ;)

Sarah continues to be one of life's joys for me.

Um, and ANOTHER ONE!!!!

Alexis continues to be the perfect big-sister, watching out for Kaitlyn (and Andrew) and filling Aunts and Uncles in on all the stats... like, Kaitlyn doesn't talk yet...

And Big-Sister is 3.... :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

grace withheld

When God chooses to NOT clunk me over the head with something, I would almost prefer the 2x4. This process of waiting for the next step to be illuminated can be rather, well, shall we say… challenging? The 2x4 is decisive. It is immediate. It can be painful, abrupt, life-altering, but at least that next step is unmistakable – right? We are currently in faith-walk mode here in our household. The Lord has illuminated several steps –but the last of these was a while ago… we are dangling in that place of following through with the last thing we KNEW He wanted...

We believe it was decisively God’s will for us to no longer run our business. But that awareness dawned after several years of bringing us to where we could see it. In retrospect, the process was more 2x4-ish than it seemed. But for one part of this process, the Lord began withholding the grace for tolerating the bump-and-grind of the business world. And that looked drastically different for each of us. For me, it looked kind of like this guppy that naively started out on a new adventure and discovered that it was in a shark tank. And the sharks were not very nice. And they had this appetite for guppy fins.

Withheld grace looked a lot different for Jake – his fins were much tougher than mine. The costly lessons we could emotionally write-off as tuition. After all, it’s the school of hard knocks, right? But that all required grace. Without God’s grace, for me, it was becoming traumatic. I was being wounded. But once you are in certain situations, you cannot just high-tail it when you realize you no longer like where you are. This was one of those situations. A few more years were required to get things to where clients' needs could properly be met while the company was being handed off to a new owner.

So in retrospect, God withheld His grace from our pursuit of that which was not in His will. We opened our company about a year before we became Christians. As we began to seek His will, abandoning our own, the steering commenced. I see the withheld grace as a means of steering... directing...leading. At times all I had to cling to were these words in James 1:2-4 : "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." The Lord allows trial and difficulty at times – for our refinement… perseverance builds character…James 1:12 goes on to say "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." love Him we DO... and persevere we did – for 7 years - before God gave us the escape route. But that is another key - - GOD provided the escape. And it was really cool.

I’ll spare you the details, but the process the Lord used to reveal the way out felt like an action-packed chase scene. It put action to Proverbs 16:9 "The mind of a man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps." It involved Him revealing information we did not know, opening doors, which led to meeting new people, who then revealed more information, and as we were thinking this info contained the answer, and were preparing to “go for it” He then did the bait and switch… took that person out of the picture long enough for new information, new people to come into the situation – with whom we were given peace and clear sailing to pursue, and then when the deal was sealed, the first entity showed up again… but we knew by this time what God’s will was… the deal was done, we were at rest, we had found peace. In the process the Lord also prevented – truly restrained us from making a big mistake. At another point we were desperate for some very specific information, so we raised up a fleece prayer. Then later that day we repented, realizing the Lord’s faithfulness deserved greater faith than THAT - - then the Lord answered that fleece prayer anyway in a HUGE and unquestionable way. It was like He was saying yes yes yes YES YES YES YES!!!!! This IS the way - - WALK in it!!!
So now we are dangling...oops, I guess we call that "faith-walking". But if I can be honest, it really feels like dangling. I will be returning to work in health care - likely persuing more schooling as well, but must tend to more hand surgery in September, which will put me out of commission for several months - so I'm basically useless for a while. Jake must remain available for 2 months of transitioning clients into the care of the new owner of the company, during which time he cannot start a new job. So we are trusting the Lord for light on that next step, but in the meantime, dangling is beginning to feel sort of free... restful...dependent....I'm sure glad holding the other end of the string on which we dangle, is the faithful, competent, utterly trustworthy hand of God!

Fionia's Shark Mania gracious provider of first two shark images
Christian Clipart gracious provider of last fish image

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kaitlyn Rose

The "come now" call dispatched me at about 3:00 am. The "it's a girl" was celebrated by 5:40 am. This was my daughter's second homebirth, and also the second for which I was blessed to be part of the birthing team. What do I say about a homebirth experience in which prayer accompanies the contractions and replaces drugs, shouts of praise rise to the Lord before the calls are placed to family and friends, and one of the midwives gathers us together to pray for the kids before their departure?

Weighing in at about 7lbs 6 oz. and at 19 3/4 inches long, she out did Andrew's birth stats!

Alexis has waited a long time for her big moment - - giving the new baby her blankie!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rock of Remembrance

Someone I love was in crisis this weekend. The focus of this post is not the "who-what-when or why" of the crisis, but of the amazing provision and leading of the Lord to get those involved through it. So please forgive the vagueness of the description. My goal of this post is to magnify the Lord's goodness and faithfulness, through linking the provision witnessed, to the scritpural / spiritual principles that are presented in the Word. To protect privacy, I will not reveal the identities of those involved. We'll call the "victim" A, and the victim's partner B.

Daniel 2:22

It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.

1.) Person A shared a dream of several nights ago, in which the events of this day were described in typically cryptic dream language. That enabled prayer to go forth for protection and also allowed a greater sensitivity to promptings to pray since.

Isaiah 30:21

Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it" whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

2.) While this event was unfolding, a serious traffic situation - was avoided by the Lord leading them to take some action (specifically make a right-hand turn). Just before this, person B experienced more prompting to pray, the the prompting shifted from being future-oriented, to be immediate, prayer for NOW.

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

3.) The seriousnes of the event was minimized by more of the Lord's leading which enabled person B to stay calm and take some action that person A, helpless at that moment, required. There was the possibility that death could have resulted if this action was prevented. The staff on site had been told to hold A still until the EMT's arrived. These people were all helpful and concerned, and they had to follow their orders. The Lord provided direction and boldness to B.

Romans 8:26

In the same way the Spirit also help our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;...

4.) While they were in th ER, B's cell rang. Going outside to retrieve the message, the caller turned out to be a prayer warrior friend, who realized when the situation was explained, that the reason she was prompted to call was because of the need for prayer. B had been struggling to pray, feeling so completely overwhelmed that it felt like prayer becoming tangled in the static, and as a result, feelings of vulnerability were setting in. They realized the phone call was God's provision to have the necessary prayer applied to the situation - as well as bring the assurance needed that they were indeed functioning under a prayer covering - even when they felt unable to pray for themselves. Just as Hagar's need was being met before she could utter her cry, the Lord was meeting theirs as well.

Psalm 84:11

For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

5.) Once A was given a room and the game plan was disclosed, part of the plan suggested preparation for invasive testing, as food and water were being withheld pending exam by a specialist. This caused B concern and did not bring peace. There were some details B needed to tend to, so a brief trip away from the hospital was made, during which time a phone call was placed to another prayer warrior friend. The situation was prayed for, and by the time B returned to the hospital, A had been given dinner - actually TWO dinners, and the plans were downgraded considerably.

Sunday August 12

Discharged after being examined by the specialist, all is well.

So.... now A is at home, and they are celebrating the provisions of God.

These are the truths of God I wish to celebrate and magnify with you because we can so easily get tangled in the confusion of it all that we overlook the Hand of God.

When we are unable to pray for ourselves because we've been blindsided or derailed in some way, God SUMMONS THE PRAYERS ON OUR BEHALF. When His children walk under the protection and blessing of God, He brings us what we need.

God also promises to lead us by His Spirit. Only God knows the future, the destination of the road we're on, or what situation is about to unfold before us. When we are sensitive to the Lord's leading, He can and does cause us to avoid tragedy that was not part of His perfect will for our life - for that day. There are times the Lord uses tragedy to bring about greater glory or greater good, how good to know that unless that is part of His perfect plan, He will instead provide our escape route.

Even when the Lord is allowing a situation, as He did in the lives of A and B this past weekend, in the midst of it, He continues to lead - He can continue to provide direction through the situation to minimize the pitfalls and prevent unnecessary disasters.

How good is our God!